
Welcome to Democracy School!

There are tons of ways to learn about voting reform and election science, and it's never been easier to find what you're looking for. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Tons of articles at every level from, introductory, essential reading, and deep dive. These are the articles from the Equal Vote Coalition and our coalition members that you're looking for. 



Tons of articles at every level from, introductory, essential reading, and deep dive. These are the articles from the Equal Vote Coalition and our coalition members that you're looking for. 



Are you a visual learner? 



We're featured on podcasts all the time and we're in the process of launching our own. Check them out here. 



Voting Reform is in the news! Read all about it here! This page is a catalogue of pretty much every piece of press coverage we've earned to date. 


Equal Vote and STAR Voting Blog

Our Blog Page includes all the email blasts from our movement going back years. 


Voting Theory Forum

The Voting Theory Forum is a coalition project led by the Equal Vote Coalition to create an inclusive and welcoming space for election science enthusiasts and activists from around the world to come together to go deep and keep pushing the envelope of election science.



Our Bibliography is hosted on Zotero and is a comprehensive library of articles on voting reform. 


Voting Method Simulations

This is a very comprehensive list of voting method simulations curated by BTernaryTao. Priceless! 

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