Equal Vote Conference

Problems and the solution

Problems and the solution



WHEN: Saturday October 4, 2014, 9:30am - 3:30pm

WHERE: Knight Law School Room 175, University of Oregon, 1515 Agate St, Eugene, OR

WHAT: Oregon is the only state in the nation considering changes to its election system this election cycle. The Equal Vote Conference is a forum for state and national luminaries to help educate the electorate and inform the 2015 legislative conversation on the Oregon Top Two measure before the voters, the latest contemporary election science research, the evolving role of political parties and the financing of political campaigns. This event is free and open to members of the press and the general public.


  1. Evaluation and simulation of voting systems
  2. The role of political parties and independents in the political process
  3. A debate between proponents and opponents of Measure 90, the Oregon Top Two
  4. Public policy results of the California Top Two Candidate Open Primary Act
  5. The intersection of campaign finance, political engagement and voting systems


State Representative Phil Barnhart
Tom Bowerman, PolicyInteractive
Barbara Dudley, Policy Advisor, Working Families Party of Oregon
Julie Fahey, Chair, Lane County Democrats
Dave Frohnmayer, Former Oregon Attorney General, UO President Emiritus
Mark Frohnmayer, Founder, Equal Vote Coalition
Aaron Hamlin, Executive Director, Center for Election Science
James Kelly, Chief Petitioner, Measure 90
Greg Leo, Executive Director, Republican Party of Oregon
Eric McGhee, Public Policy Institute of California
Dan Meek, Founder, Independent Party of Oregon
Rob Richie, Executive Director, FairVote
Jackie Salit, President, IndependentVoting.org
Chad Peace, End Partisanship Coalition
Clay Shentrup, Director, Center for Election Science
Jefferson Smith, Founder, Oregon Bus Project, Former State Representative
Tara Sulzen, Executive Director, Oregon Bus Project 

FULL AGENDA AND RSVP: http://equalvote.co/conference 

CONTACT: Sarah Lyons - 917-658-9885 - [email protected]